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Rice Purity

The Rice Purity Test: A Deep Dive

Origins and Evolution

The Rice Purity Test is a widely recognized anonymous online survey that originated at Rice University in 1924. Initially designed as a tool to evaluate the moral character of incoming freshmen, it has undergone multiple revisions over the years.

In its latest iteration, the Rice Purity Test 20, it boasts updated questions, an enhanced scoring system, and more inclusive language. This evolution reflects the changing attitudes and societal norms surrounding issues of morality and personal experiences.

Scoring and Interpretation

The Rice Purity Test assigns scores ranging from 0 to 100, with higher scores indicating a greater level of purity or innocence.

According to the test's creators, a score of 95 or above is considered good, signifying a high degree of purity. This score suggests that the individual has avoided engaging in a wide range of behaviors deemed questionable or morally questionable.
